
If you told me we were going to make $1800 from other people’s stuff… I may not have been as creeped out! 🙂 GREAT, EH?
It was busy till the end and actually fun! It was a great social time for those that came to help. People that came first thing in the morning stayed till the end.

The kids had a great time looking through the “stuff” and felt victory at a 25 cent thingy. I love the fact that it was about a group of people working together for a common goal of raising money for our kids playground.

The last hour folks could buy whatever they could carry out for $5… you should have seen the delight. This also got rid of a lot of the items. Next year will be even better!

Thanks to all of you that supported in donating, helping and buying the “STUFF”… what a great day it was.

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