
I have been thinking of how my children learn to love God. For the most part, it seems that as little ones they learn the story of Christ and simply believe and love Him without questions. As they grow older, I look for different ways to foster their relationship.

I am with my children pretty much most of the time. Especially over the summer months, we spend 24/7 together with the exception of when they are on the golf course etc. I found myself wondering if my children see Jesus in me? I am the one person that is a constant. Do they see Jesus through my actions, how I love them, how I treat others?

I am sure that 75% of the time it is a safe yes. But what about the other 25% of the time?

I left Zach and Josh literally banging on pots and pans in the kitchen. They are playing drums (despite the fact that there are real drums in the house)! Now they have followed me … BANGING THE LIDS!!! Hum… WWJD? (What Would Jesus DO?”)

I need to work on that. I need to really show the love of Jesus to my children consistently through my actions.

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