Packing It In!

Our house looks very discombobulated! It’s great! I got a LOT done today! It feels good. I feel like I will reach my goal… which is to have most of the house packed by Labor Day weekend so that we can enjoy the first day of school together!

I am getting excited about the move. We get to see the new house next Wed!!! Can’t wait. The boys haven’t been inside yet. So they are looking forward to that.

We are planning a Garage Sale the long weekend. YUK! But we have stuff we need to rid ourselves of … that worked for this house but not the new one. I have a beautiful Pier1 Imports sunroom furniture that is only a year old. Not sure if it is for sale… but if the price is right…

This lala land is hard for everyone. Josh is concerned WHERE all the stuff is going. Poor guy. But what a pain to pack with. I pack, he unpacks!

Anyways … I am full swing ahead! Most of the boys rooms are done, family room, closets, bathrooms, book shelves… (we had a lot in this house)!

I feel good. Can’t wait to get going again tomorrow!

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