Married to a Workaholic!

My husband is a very hard working conscientious man. He is a great provider and cares about his patients and that they have a successful and positive experience in hearing again. He is a hard-worker.

But he is a workaholic. Not the kind that is glue to their day job… but rather he is constantly involved in something or another. Hockey… 5 boys are in hockey… and he is coaching or helping with 3 of the teams and then is in charge of the organization of select hockey.

He is on boards… he helps with jam session for the youth, he takes guitar, judo, plays hockey himself, oh and is working on his doctorate. Did I mention that he wakes up and goes to the gym around 5 am/ 6 days a week?

He does not know the meaning of sitting still. He is always doing something. And he says I am hyper? Hum…..

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