In 2009 I want to…

Today I have been thinking of some goals I would like to achieve this New Year coming. 2009!!! I am taking a break from Christmas… I had to go grab a few groceries and nearly had a panic attack from the mobs. The roads made me claustrophobic.
forgot about this part of Christmas.

I love writing. I wish I could do something with it. The one thing that writers say (real writers) is to keep writing everyday.
My blog is a great forum for me. I may have something to say when I am writing or sometimes I am just writing to write.
What I would like to do this new year is write with a specific goal. What or where that leads I am not sure. This is just a step I hope to take.

I am down 10-13 lbs… after today… probably more like 10. I want to take that to the next level. Another 10 lbs maybe and begin to build muscle mass.

Then there is the big step back to the working world. I am planning to start the courses to stepping into the real estate world.
This step scares me a little. But Josh will be in school in September… WOW!

I want to really learn more about photography and take more pictures and videos.

Turning 40 years old, I realize that maybe half my life is gone by. More than half of that time of my life was not in my control.
And the other half was spent finding that control.

I am now looking forward to BEING ME! Enjoying the best of life with my family and friends.
I am looking forward to 2009 though 2008 was a good year.
It was the year we came home.

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