Stealing from a Child!

This afternoon the boys and I were heading home. We had placed an order for roti (yes, we actually have a hole that makes it) and went to pick it up. It isn’t in the best area for parking and kind of grungy part of town. I pull right in from of the place and asked Max to grab our order.

I gave him three $20 bills… not sure how much it was. I guess Max went into the store and realized he dropped a bill or two. As he came out he saw this lady picking up the money.

The store owner came out with him as she saw the lady pick up his bills.

This girl said she dropped the money and was picking it up. Max had dropped two of the $20s.

The girl walks off. Max is disturbed.

What person takes from a child?

Obviously someone who needed the money.

And for us, it was just a bit of an eye opener. There are some not so nice people in Peterborough too.

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