Competition Runs In the Family…

My brother is a fellow blogger. I love reading his blog ( Over the last few years his blog has made me laugh as well as shocked me. I have learned a lot about him and his thoughts over the years. He is the inspiration for my own blog.

November 5, 2008 his stat counter (how many times your blog has been read) hit the 1000th time. He was excited. I was envious.

Today he called me, annoyed, apparently. He commented on my stat counter… it is at 1000 already! He is jealous. 🙂

I am flattered and appreciative to whoever reads my blog. Thank you for taking time and energy to do so… if for no other reason than to have this moment with my brother.

He told me that his goal is to be at least a few ahead of me. Hum… no doubt he will pay or bribe his congregation to read his blog to achieve this. lol

I am only blogging this because apparently he is going to blog this too. Not sure what version he will write so I thought I’d better write the truth somewhere on cyber space.

I love my brother.

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