The Woes of Being Reema…

Today Sammy has no school so two of his buddies came over for the night.

They are hilarious to listen too. They were having a conversation about Jon and Kate +8.
Boy One was saying…” Kate is hot.”
Boy Two… “She has 8 kids! Who would want that? Jon is cool.”
It went on… hum… then it was a conversation about ex’s… they both had a girlfriend last year in grade 8… it was about whether you can be friends with your ex?
Today we are going to Toronto to a real mall for the day. I am really looking forward to hanging out with them
Sammy called me yesterday, very upset, asking me to cancel his phone (his first love)… someone stole it. He is devastated. Especially because he saw the boy in the hall with it.
It sucks to see my child get hurt and see the badness in people out here. So I am praying that God will touch this boys heart. Not so much for Sammy’s sake, but how troubled he must be…
So I am praying for the return of the phone as well as for this child.
I know God has so much to do… but…
I ran out of my happy pill. I have been feeling really depressed. I found myself feeling really sad for no reason. It scared me. I am so often on the edge of sanity. What is wrong with me?
I know my doctor wanted to wean me off… yikes…not sure that is a good thing.
Maybe I am certifiably crazy. Nothing wrong with that, is there? It is in the genes. That is why there is a happy pill, isn’t it?
Yah… the woes of being me.
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