Meet Sanj and His Many Faces…

The Many Faces of Sanj:
My hubby is a complex kind of guy.
I say it is the musician in him that gives him his intense, corky personality.
Let me tell you about he many faces of this man I love:
This one is the one I like the least.  See his brows wrinkled up… it means, “that’s weird, you are not right, I don’t agree with you… but I’ll be quiet.” 
That look with his lips pursued together is the most annoying one.
It means “whatever… I know I am right!”

This one is one of my favourites.  It is his OCD smile. He is crying out for help because he really doesn’t want Josh to touch him, all wet and dirty, yet he knows he shouldn’t care… but HE DOES.  See his eyebrows crunched together?  He is in distress.

This is a work laugh.  He is laughing but not from his belly and his nose is scrunched up.
My doctor calls this the B.S. work mode smile.

I love his playful mode… it usually takes a bit of convincing but then his very creative nature comes out and there is the funny guy I love to see!

Can you see his face?  He is zoned out. Gone.  In another world, that I am not allowed to enter where only music is his companion.
It is like he is having an out of body experience.
I could parade a bunch of naked women by and he would not see it.
This is his escape.  This is where he is his true self.
This is where his happy place truly is.
This is the father side. Here he is at peace enjoying a moment of stillness and snuggling.  It is those stolen moments that you see how fatherhood is so part of his being.
Here is the Sanj I know.
He is relaxed, happy and content.
No wrinkly forehead.  No scrunched up nose.
Happy and content.
I love this man of many faces.
I am so glad I get to see this one everyday.
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