A Day in DC…

Today was one of those days that so much happened that I want to blog just to have the memory for the boys!  It was our day in DC… I was not really looking forward to it as it was very hot, I have all ready been to the Smithsonian and it it the kind of event that makes me a little stressed just about safety, not losing anyone, that kind of thing.

A big thank you to my brother for taking on the role of tour guide and did a fine job.  I was impressed with his knowledge of all things DC, history and politics.

First we went to the Metro Station and took the train.  This in it self was an adventure and fun the boys.  Josh found the poles fascinating  and occupied himself with that.

After taking the red line and then the blue line, Metro lingo… we headed down to the Museum of Natural History.   We had not been here in a very long time.  I think Zach was a baby when we came years ago.

The boys saw the movie “The Night of the Museum”  and so Josh was freaked out through half of the walk through, thinking that the things were going to come alive!  Of course his brothers had great fun feeding his fear! lol

It was fun to see the expressions on my babes faces as they saw things that one does not normally see.

Being caught in this scary creature’s jaw!

We had lunch there where six pieces of pizza and a glass of pop cost $62.
Then we were off to the Capital Building…

We stopped to cool down with some ice cream treats and then took a “rickshaw” pulled by a young person on a bike to get us to our destination!  This part was a little adventure and lots of fun.

The Capital Building is an impressive sight.  The boys were quite taken with the two police we saw that had some sort of machine guns in their possession.

We went in to check out the new visitors center.  The kids and adults were all troopers.  We were tired, a few of the kids weren’t feeling well and we had to walk alot.

As we walked to the rear of the building, my brother notices a Senator.  As the Senator comes our way, my brother went up and asked if he would pose with us for a picture.

I have to admit, I had no idea who he was.  Senator Chris Dodd, of Connecticut was very friendly and charming.  He came to each of the boys, shook their hands (he has a very firm hand shake) asked their name and chatted.  He did not seem in  hurry and was delightful.  It was very exciting.

Upon checking out his site, I learned that he is a fighter and champion for children’s issues.  His website even has a kid friendly page that kids can learn about the Congress and his issues.  Very neat!

Last but not least was the inside of the Capital building.  We were lucky enough to catch one of the last tours… not too exciting.  Then, we were able to secure the lucky tickets (due to the fact that we were international visitors) to get a peek into the Senate in action. 

Phew!  Tired, hot and yet a very full and busy day!  Back to the Metro, experienced a bit of rush hour… and that was the end of a day in DC.

Special thanks to Uncle Kumar for all the adventures due to his DIxit personality!  ðŸ™‚
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