Friday … Yah!

Do you have a favorite day of the week?

It’s Friday night!!! My favorite night of the week!

It is a busy day, like the rest of them but I think what I like about Fridays are that I can usually sleep in on Saturdays.  Do I sleep in?  No… because Josh is such an alarm clock and up at 6:45am telling me he can’t sleep anymore.  Sanj is long gone to the gym so he isn’t there to occupy Josh.  Yet I love the idea of just laying in bed.  I don’t have to worry about breakfast and lunch  and being on time all by 8 a.m.

Fridays are the day my cleaning lady comes… so this plays a part in my liking Fridays.  I love coming home to a clean, tidy house.  I LOVE IT!!!

If we ever become rich, that is my first item that I must have … a full-time housekeeper.  Just someone to pick up after the boys!  Ohhh, how I would love that.   A couple of hours every day… tidy up the house, wipe off the pee, do a load of laundry.

Friday nights we usually go out to supper.  So by the time I get home, I can put on my pajamas and head up to my bed… book or movie in hand.  The boys usually crowd in bed with me… knowing that they better be quiet or they’ll get kick out!

I love my Friday nights.

So many reasons to love …


Enjoy your weekend!


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