Heaven Here on Earth… Today.

 Every bone and muscle in my body is rebelling against the thought of moving.

It’s been a crazy whirlwind, the last 7 days.  Planning for the making of 500 pies made, selling pies, planning and seeing through the feeding of 150 people for a homemade Thanksgiving dinner…

It’s one of my favorite day of the year (after my birthday and Christmas).  For the last 5 years, we have made a homemade Thanksgiving dinner and invited Seniors in our community to come and let us serve them.  For the last 5 years, finding 60 seniors to join us was hard work.

This year, something changed.

We had 150 people today at lunch.  They came, they were blessed and in turn we were blessed.  It was truly a little bit of heaven.  Grades 1-4 came and sang their little hearts away… grades 5-6 helped set the tables in the morning and grades 7-8 came and were hosts to the seniors.  They each sat at a table with a group of seniors, held conversation and hosted.  They were amazing.

It was a beautiful day.

I was blessed.

God is so Good.  Never doubt it.  Do for others and you will see your cup overflowing.

Now the million and one dishes we washed… not so fun.

Yet… having my friends came back and helped with last of the clean up… that’s love.

It’s been a great week.

Now for my vacation… in the OR room on Tuesday!


But really, please pray for me.

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