Changing Seasons

My life for the past 8 years or so has been one that involved the boys school in a huge way. It was a place I loved and wanted to do whatever it took to spread that love and specialness I felt being a part of it. I loved that Rhema was a place that I knew my kids were being nurtured and yet so was I!

There have been so many changes I am not sure I even know up from down! We got a new principal… with that comes a huge change. What once felt grounded now feels shaky. Change is good and I suppose even needed. But suddenly all that seemed safe and secure isn’t.

It is a whole new territiory yet there is no map.

It is funny, but I remember when we were getting involved in the school, I used to think that the “older” families were uptight and had serious issues with change.

Suddenly WE are the older family. The younger families have a new principal and new ideas and it is not a easy thing to deal with.

But the seasons are changing. I made the decision to step away from my duties at the school. Since the leadership at the school was changing I felt this was a good time to let someone else come in with new energy and ideas.

I know that now is the time for me to focus on other things… find new things that feed me and challenge me to grow as a person.

I still plan to take the real estate course in the next couple of months. I am giving myself a few months to get us settled and a handle on keeping myself organized.

So many things are changing. Most are for the good but there are those desires that I wonder do I persue? Adopting a child… for example… life changing for our whole family. Yet this keeps coming up… to adopt a child … to change a life. What a wonderful life lesson for the boys… to see the impact that we can make on a child.

Yet I don’t know. I will have a child in High School next year. I am not sure I am ready for that. Again big changes… all good hopeful yet a bit scary.

Change is good. Yet just as with the changing of the seasons, there is beauty yet it can be messy.

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