Yah Costco!

Our little town of Peterborough is finally worthy of a Costco! Today was first day of the opening! On my way in to town this morning, I passed a very packed parking lot!
People love opening days and all the free gifts.

I am not a person that can handle waiting in line for hours. If it is free… I probably don’t really need it. Or would rather dish out the cash then wait in line.

So I will wait and maybe go check it out tomorrow. My mom was willing to wait in line for me… I have come to the realization that she is a shopaholic. Guess the genetics are strong, where that is concern. 🙂

Actually I never saw my mom as a shopaholic. But she probably didn’t know this about herself until now. She was always working and did not have time to herself.
Now, she never leaves a store without a bag of some purchase.

Costco is coming near us just in time. I can’t keep up with the boys appetites already. I can only imagine when they all become teenagers! OH dear…what a scary thought!

I love the little things that Costco has… great gift ideas. Books are usually at a great price too. And laundry deotergent… I can never keep enough around! Fresh flowers are a great price there too!

Peterborough is becoming a real town! Old Navy, Costco, Home Outfitters… these are stores I would drive to Oshawa to shop at…so I am loving it!

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