All Dress Up … But In What?

I am sure that most people would say Sanj is a fine dresser. He takes pride in his appearance, especially when going out. He keeps up with now verses getting stuck in the then.

Yesterday at supper, I mentioned to Sammy that we should began to look for a graduation outfit for him. He is so hard to fit that it may take a bit of time.

So Sammy’s face lights up.. “I want a white tuxedo.” The boys think that Don Cherry’s (from Hockey Night In Canada) wardrobe is cool. But in a “haha wouldn’t be cool to have a suit like that…” (NOT!)

So then Sanj became to get excited… “Sammy, we could get you a cool tux… black with ….” Well Sammy is not impressed and tunes Sanj off.

“Mom, he is doing it again.” I am not sure what that exactly meant but Sammy seems to think that Sanj’s ideas are old fashion just because are coming out of his “old man’s” mouth.

I remember the three piece suits my brothers and dad wore to church. Some sort of polyester blend? Oh Yah!

The battle of the generations continues or shall I say begans. At least with boys there isn’t that wide range of clothing choices. We have already established that if I ever see them walking around with pants too big hanging to their knees… I will have no qualms of going up to them and pulling them right down! Undies and all! Don’t even tempt me!

So Sammy is undecided. White tux… probably not. Simply for no other reason then Sammy will probably roll down a hill on his way into the church or tackle someone… and then the grass stains would not be a cool accessory. 🙂

I just think that some things in life are constant. If you ever become too sure of yourself… have a teenager. You are not cool or just don’t know anything… at least anything that may be relatively cool. Ah the battle of the ages…

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One Response to All Dress Up … But In What?

  1. em says:

    I love reading about the new struggles with the teenage years. I can't imagine going through it with six kids!! Mine are now 15 and 17, and it's all about the moods and attitude – especially with my daughter. Sounds like Sammy is normal. Cool.

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