I hate halloween!

I hate halloween. When I was a kid, we did not ever go trick or treating. Devilish… all of the devil! I can remember this one halloween a kid asked why we weren’t out… (don’t know the answer we gave) but he felt sorry for us and asked for a pillow case and went and collected candy for us too! How sweet eh?

Well I have no problem with kids getting dressed up… having fun. But I hate the pre halloween costume hunt… what can I be? And where will we find the stuff? It is easy enough when it is bat-man or superman.

Jordan is going as a 70s big hair/afro dude. Where do you find bell-bottoms and big heel shoes? He got the afro… and is going to maybe cut some of Sanj’s chest hair and paste on his chest! Ha-ha.

Josh is, of course Indiana Jones! Zach is bat-man. That leaves 3 undecided. Halloween is two nights away.

Sigh. This year 5 of them are going to the church party, so that part if a bonus. Sammy is going with his friends.

We went to Value Village… no parking spots. I can only imagine what is left of the selection. Oh well… in 4 days it will be all done. Then it will be focusing on Christmas.

I can’t wait to start decorating! 😛

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