Open House

Today at Sanj’s clinic is an Open House. It is a time for patients to come in and say hi, chat, and munch on the snacks. It is a busy day. He has to be ON every minute of the day. I am not sure he will even find the time for lunch.

I went in for a few minutes… and couldn’t help but be proud of what a dashing man I have. He had a new outfit on that shows off his trimmer physique. I love him so much.

I also appreciate the business which is his blood, sweat and tears the last 15 years… or so. I remember when he first opened his clinic, how happy he was if he saw 15 people a week!!! I am sure he sees that many and more in a day! How faithful God has been! It has been a bumpy road… slowly turning in many ways… but through it all, God has been so faithful.

So I am grateful for a hard working husband that provides for us in every way. Really, who could keep up with my love to shop and not complain???

I am grateful for the patients… that they are touched in a special way that only Sanj can do. I am grateful to the technology that has come so far that the hearing impaired have ways to make life better and fuller.

I am grateful for the new location and facility. What a great place to go in every morning… bright, clean and busy.

So if you having hearing needs, check out The Ear Company… 705.741.1114 or if you want a coffee… today… pop in!

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One Response to Open House

  1. Lindsay says:

    If the ocean wasn't so big, I would have been there 🙂

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