Rumbleee in my Tumbleeee…

I just bought another childcare card at the gym. This means I have stuck to working out longer then ever before. I am exercising on levels that I would never had thought to try and feel good. Actually I feel really good. I am sweating more than I ever sweated before… ew… gross, I know, but it isn’t stinky… and it makes me feel that it has been a REAL workout!

OK… I know… I didn’t really need to go there about sweating… sorry! My jeans are feeling looser. I see the numbers going down on the scale… ever so slowly. It may go down faster if I quit eating!!!

Alas … that isn’t going to happen. I don’t want to be one of the people (myself included) that loses and gains it right back. So, I must be OK with the slow decline of the numbers.

I am proud of myself. I am proud of all the friends that surround me in the constant fight to be healthy. I wish typing burned calories.

So as I lay here, with my tummy rumbling… I feel good knowing that I am not giving in at this exact moment. At this exact moment, I have self-control.

Tomorrow… or even the next hour is another story.

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One Response to Rumbleee in my Tumbleeee…

  1. Shelley says:

    Way to go on the working out! I need a workout buddy. I have such a hard time sticking to it!

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