
I’ve got butterflies in my tummy.  It’s the first day of school.  My boys were up and at it, probably excited and nervous and a whole bunch of other emotions.  I find that I have all those same emotions too.  Summer is over.  I love summer with my boys.  I love the freedom of doing whatever whenever.  I love that we just have fun making memories in between the fighting.  I love the — “What are we going to do today…” and the blank slate that is there…  so I am sad to see summer go.  I am feeling all sorts of emotions as I watched the older boys all leave, on their own, leaving me with just two to drop off… and only one willing to take that annual school picture.


Josh asked me, “Are you going to be lonely?”  Probably. lol  He also then commented on that fact there was the laundry (which was all around me yesterday as I tried to get a whack of it done) was there to keep me company.   Haha!

 I think of my college boys, Sammy especially, heading into a whole new world.  Of course I know he will be fine as he is such a social being and will no doubt laugh if he knew I had butterflies for him.  Yet… not knowing what you want to be “when you grow up” is a hard thing.  So I worry about him… about him just choosing something… and pray that God will drop upon him that answer … with the impact so heavy … he will know without a doubt what that is.

There’s my Tyler, as he heads into his second year of college, I want for him to find passion in something too.  He wants to be a police.  Yet he must do school first… and while he is on this course, I wish him excitement about his learning.  Is that asking for too much?  I just want him to feel something…. I have butterflies for him because he is my kid that can be anxious and yet not even know that is the emotion that is ruling him.  I pray that God can let Tyler feel that hovering so he knows he is never alone.

My Jordan is heading into his last year of high school!  Wow! How is that possible?  I have butterflies as I think of him proudly grown into a leader, confident and secure.  I pray that God continues to wrap His arms around Jordan and nudge him too, into the path only God knows will give him excitement over his future.  I pray that this last year of high school will be filled with happy memories.

There’s my Max, another high schooler… grade 10… butterflies hover in my belly as I think of this son of mine, fun loving, silly and yet intense and determined.  The butterflies hover as I think of all that could happen while playing and pray for protection and yet wish him that easy- going-ness that makes ones childhood a beauty.  I wonder what God has in store for Max’s future?

I realize that I have a lot of kids!!! Phew!

My two youngest, still in elementary, so much happening during their learning and playing.  I wish the butterflies would calm down as I can’t believe this is Zach’s last year.  He is ready to move onto high school.  He is so much like Sammy, my social being.  There is so much that will occur over this year and I wish him all that endurance that inhale all that learning and playing.

Josh… my butterflies were all over the place as I walked over to him this morning, as he stood in line with his class… I could see him shaking his head… clueing me in that a kiss or anything of that kind was not appropriate! lol  Sob!  He’s such a sweet boy.  He’s such a homebody and yet it was great to see him excited today.  I hope and pray that excitement carries him into the year.  I pray that school is a joy this year and not stressful.  He had great teachers last year.  He learned so much.  I pray for that to continue and his joy for learning to grow.

Here’s to a new school year… 2015-2016.  May the Lord bless each and every one of our babes.

This entry was posted in Boys, choices, faith, Family, General, God and I, love, moments, motherhood, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran, relationships. Bookmark the permalink.