We went shopping this weekend… Golf clubs for the older two and Toys R Us for the younger ones. Trucks, batman, army guys, power rangers… sheesh!

Really boys and girls play with the same things… except boys just don’t call their dolls — dolls!

Sanj told me that once the boys have outgrown these golf clubs, they would be perfect for me. Hand me downs… from my sons!

Testosterone overflows in this house. Gaseous scents are awesome rather than disgusting. Watching a movie is a waste of 2 hours… yet watching a hockey game is not.

Sometimes I find that I forget that I am even a girl. I find myself thinking in terms of the male gender that I lose myself.
I pick bang ’em up movies rather than ones that leave me feeling nice. I find myself picking out a cell phone that is silver or black rather than pink so that I can pass it down at some point.

The boys have taken to my shoes… crocs and runners… My sweatshirts… are seen on Tyler more than on me. Jordan can be seen sleeping in my bathrobe because it is comfy…

Boys… testosterone is overflowing. I need a girls weekend away! Quick!

I hope that the hair on my chin isn’t the result of all the overflowing testosterone seeping into me…

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