Wow! You are SO NOT COOL!

I am not sure I am doing motherhood right. I assume that you tell your kid to do a chore or two and they know to do it.
Do I have it wrong? Please tell me… as I am looking to learn the ways of getting my teen to do what is asked of him… not once.

Then when I lose it… as inevitably I will… I get attitude. This is followed by “Wow Mom, you are so not cool.”

OK… the thing is I want to start acting out too. I want to give in to the tantrum that is brewing in me and stick my tongue out and sing song “Sticks and Stones may break my bones…” I want to get into a all out fighting match. I want to just go to my room.

OK… I admit … many a shameful time… I lose it… I stoop down to levels I am not suppose to.

But really… this one just PUSHES my buttons.

Why? I guess because he is never sorry. He is never really thankful. He never seems to get how good he has it.

He only seems to get when it isn’t about him.

This is year 2 of the teen years. I suppose last year, I would have been crushed by his words.

Today… not so much. Like I really have time to worry about how cool a mom I am or am not?
I am thinking that my days of wanting to be cool are over.

LIke it or not… I think I am cool. So your (not you, rather his) thoughts of me are irrelevant. Right?

Oh bother.

Lord, please, I am so new at this. New and Lost. Caring, yet not really. Loving but not Liking. Cool yet so uncool.
Just please give me strength. Help me to be rid of the irritation by morning as I am sure it will be a whole new ball game by then.

Lord, thank you that You believe that I CAN handle this.
WOW. Um…. could you please help?

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