
I was thinking of love today. How does one know true love?

How do you know?
My answer has always been, ” You will know. Deep in your heart you will know love when it shows up.”
I think that love takes time to grow. Yet I think there are those that find love at first sight.
Do you?
Love is patient. Love is also impatient.
Love is kind. Love also has moment being mean. Maybe being real.
Love is long- suffering. Love can also get tired.
Love is not jealous. Yet being in love with someone can make you jealous.
Love is not irritable. Yet there is PMS.
Love never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures in every circumstance. Yet love can be frustrating.
Love can last forever. Yet love is not perfect.
Love takes work. Love takes energy. Love takes commitment.
Doesn’t it?

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