Happy Birthday My Sweet Zach!

Today is Zachary’s 8th birthday!  He is such a big boy, independent and has life under control that I forget that he is only turning 8!  I always think of him as a little older.

He was born sometime this evening… he was a very painful labour.  OUCH!  He was a fast labour yet a excruciating one!  I was so angry at him when he was born.  I remember looking at him as he lay in bed realizing the ridiculousness of my anger and yet feeling justified.

I have blogged many a time of this wonderful child of mine.  Zachary is zany and zestful!
He is zilly and zappy!  He is zenergetic and full of zeans!

My Zach is a very hard worker.  He does not give up.  He is a great friend.  He is thoughtful and kind and very loving.

He never lets his size or age stop him.  He is my go getter!

I love this kid of mine!!!  I love him zoodles and zoodles!

Thank You Jesus, for blessing me with the gift of being this beautiful child’s mom.
May he have a wonderful year of lots of love and happiness!

Happy Birthday Zachary Thomas!!!

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