Boy, It’s Cold In Here!

Brrr?  Are you a naturally hot person or cold?

I am usually hot.  I never have socks on my feet or a sweater on in the house.  I love being in shorts and a tee-shirt, even in the winter.  Of course I don’t do this… yet I am a warm soul.

Sanj, on the other hand, is cold.  He is forever wrapped up in the biggest, most suffocating sweater he has.  He will live in it and even sleep in it.  I am hot just writing about it!

Our heating system is still not working.  It is cold in here!  The oven is on, the dryer is on and I have socks on my feet!  It is 64 degrees in the house… usually it is 72!  I am expecting snow to fall from our ceiling any minute.  I thought about putting that channel on TV that has the fireplace going… just to give my room a warmer feel!

Thankfully the fix-it man is on his way.  This happens every year to us around this time.  In another house we lived in, the heat had gone out.  We were freezing!  All of us were huddled in one bed to keep from freezing.  It was a holiday… probably New Years and no one was making the calls.  We couldn’t even run out and buy a little space heater.

The next day the fix-it guy came… we were being charged overtime because of the holiday.  He checks the system out.  On the way to the basement is the light switch and beside it is the switch for the furnace.  Someone had flipped the wrong switch off.

Expensive lesson!

So, as I freeze, I want to take a moment to thank God for the blessings of a warm home.  It is something I take for granted every day.  Yet… there are many that don’t have the luxury of the everyday comforts that I take for granted.

Thank You, God for heat!

Thank you for clean water.  So much water that we can wash dishes, clothes and our bodies.  We can flood a rink.  We can wash ourselves in a warm bath.

Thank you for a roof over our heads.  Thank you that we have a roof that covers an abundance of space that we even have privacy.

Thank you for food.  Thank you for the blessing of wondering what should we eat today? Thank you that we have the luxury of making a list of foods… the needed food and the wanted foods.

Thank you for clothing… so much clothing that there are piles that are dirty!  There are clothes that have no tears and holes.  There are clothes that have tears and holes that we paid to be there!

Thank you, God, for this life of abundance where in this world there are those that suffer from wanting the basics that we can take for granted.

Lord, bless those that have less.  Bless those that need.  May they feel Your warmth… Lord please come soon and end all this wanting and needing of so many.

I love You.


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One Response to Boy, It’s Cold In Here!

  1. Shannon Caviness says:

    Amen Reema! I love your blog!

    Thank you Lord for all your many, many blessings.

    Please help those you have blessed with excess live with an open hand to the ones in need. Help us to be your body, hands and feet. To distribute your blessings, to level the playing field. Help those who have been given much understand their responsibility to give much, to BE the blessing for those in need, to be the answer to someone’s prayer.

    Lord, help ME to understand these things, and to live them.

    I love You.


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