Baby of the family!

Josh is 3 and a bit. Lately I have found myself referring to him as the baby… OK he is not a baby. He is 3 years old, 35 pounds and gives Zach competition for his clothes. So I am wondering is he always going to be a baby? Will he be treated younger because he is my “baby?”

Then I see other people with their “baby” and think… “OK that child is too old to be having his food cut up or whatever.” I hear people saying “My baby is 58 years old.”

The boys continue to treat him like a baby which of means giving in to him or his obnoxious behavior. I keep thinking once he is 4 years old it will be different. Will it? I wonder if I will be in his JK class helping him hang up his coat, put his indoor shoes on, etc.

I have never been here before. I always knew I would have another baby. Now another baby would put me in the looney bin at the hospital.

Josh is the baby. Or is he?

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