Grey’s and Sleep Interrupted

When the cat’s away, the mice play!

That’s what they say, isn’t it?  Well, I was fully planning to sleep in and just take the boys to school late, since Sanj isn’t here to nag me about being responsible… and yet sleep eluded me last night.  Pies and lists kept  floating through my head.  The more I tried to put it out of my mind, the more I tried to just relax, the fast the night floated by with my mind racing.  My younger two were wide awake long before seven o’clock.  Then the phone rang at 6:45 a.m. with Sanj as the alarm clock… delivering the news that TASS, the boys’ school will remain open.

Over the last year, the city decided that one of the high schools must be closed down due to numbers and cost.  It’s been a roller coaster ride since.  The boys school was first thought to be the chosen one.  Then it changed to the downtown school, which is known for its focus on the arts.  Yesterday, as I headed downtown, the students had chosen to skip school and were rallying with signs of SAVE PCVS or I LOVE PCVS.  How sad… for any high school student to deal with the closing of their school.  While I know that my boys will be happy to not lose their school, I pray that the students are mindful of those feeling the pain of the loss of a school they love.  High school is hard enough… it stinks that students have the burden of dealing with adults and all the politics that goes into decision making.

Last night, I was all set to watch Grey’s.  The boys were in bed, the house quiet and I was ready to appreciate my favourite show without the running commentary of my husband.  15 minutes into it, the phone rings.  Sanj’s cell, caller ID is mocking me… remember he is gone, off to Newfoundland for 5 days.  Sigh.  I pick up.  Yes, I know…. that is love.

True.  Love.

Last night it poured rain.  I loved being serenaded.   As I lay here looking  out my window, stealing every moment I can lay in bed, I see the gorgeous colors of the leaves.  How I love autumn.  It’s just such a short time that we get this beauty before the dreariness of winter and all the dullness of greys and browns set in.  I even love the name Autumn.

I hit a goal…  on the scale.  I have been going to the gym, as I can, ballroom dancing (with Sanj, it is a workout), and really watching what I am eating… especially at night.   Finally… FINALLY… the scale hit the number I wanted to be below!!!  I am so pleased!!!  OK, never mind pleased, I am actually so HAPPY, THRILLED, PROUD, EUPHORIC… you get the idea, right?

My mom is suppose to come down to help with stuff after my surgery.  This will be the ultimate test.  Actually, the other day, I passed up perogies. And I didn’t die!  Getting older isn’t easy.  My sugars have been really hard to regulate.  So, it seems that I am always fighting an uphill battle.  Gone are the days that I could eat anything and not pay a price.  Oh well, it is time, some would say, way past time that I find self control.

It’s going to be a good day!

TGIF… Have a good one!


Dear God,

Thanks for all my blessings.  I just need to be reassured that You are in this pie making fundraiser with me.  Please touch people’s hearts to come help.  Please help it be a smooth process.  Please bring the folks out to buy the pies.  Maybe it be a success… 

Thank You, God… I love you!!!

This entry was posted in choices, faith, Family, General, God and I, love, Marriage, moments, Reema Sukumaran, relationships. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Grey’s and Sleep Interrupted

  1. Anonymous says:

    Would love to see a pic of your weight loss….would be inspirational!

  2. Reema says:

    ok… well i’ll post a picture of me but the thing is my weight loss has been so gradual, i’m not sure it’s so obvious.

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