My Sister…

Today, October 18th, some years ago, my sister was born.

Gasp.  You didn’t know I had a sister, did you?  Well, she has another mother… and technically, she isn’t a blood relation.  Yet, upon meeting her, just a few years ago, I feel like I was reunited with my long lost sister.

Today’s her birthday.

She is such a lovely person.  She radiates true beauty.  You know, she’s gorgeous.  We were go carting and while everyone else looked mighty ridiculous with the big bobble head helmets, not my sister…

she looked perfect.

Her heart… is pure.  It often baffles me how someone can have such kindness and pureness in themselves especially here on earth.

She is this tiny thing.  Yet, she has such strength.  (Seriously, don’t mess with her… she works out).

You’ve heard that God answers prayers in His own time… not ours.  Years ago, I prayed for a sister.  I was 5 years old.  I was pretty devasted to learn that I had another brother.  That too, turned out wonderful with a brother that is like no other… and I am blessed with a special friendship we share… and yet many years later… decades, really, God blessed my with a sister.

How I love her.  I love hearing my kids call her “Auntie…”  I love the times our families spend together.  I am blessed to have a sister.

Happy Birthday, my sweet dear Jyoti!

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