Last Night…

Last night was one of those nights that left me exhausted and yet at the same time, it was one of those nights I didn’t want to end.

At the boys school, Rhema, there is the tradition that the Friday night before 8th grade graduation, there is the grad dinner.    This means that the kids leave at noon to get ready, if you are a girl and if you are a boy, grateful for the time to relax.  The grade 7 class spends the day(s) turning the gym into something very special… the world we entered last night was Paris, France, complete with the Eiffel Tower and lovely bistros.  The teachers chose a child and write a beautiful note and read it to the chosen child… it is filled with reminiscing of this child, their character, encouragement for the future and a special Bible text.  At 5:15 pm, the class congregates on the front lawn of the school for pictures dressed in their finest.  They are transformed from 8th graders into young people, ready to enter the challenges and adventures that high school brings.

Jordan is son #3 that has graduated from Rhema.  I still have 3 more to go.  Yet as with every graduating class, there are they families that are done and leaving and as my son says bye to some of his friends, I feel the ache of saying bye to many of my friends.

As we heard teachers speak of child after child (they are a large class), as we watched this incredible video called the Alter… Sanj leaned over to me and said, “This is why we send our children here.” (This week I was feel the stress of the enormous cost of tuition and beginning to question being at this place).  The Alter was  a piece videoed of each child of a special place on the school grounds where it was special to them… where they felt God or met God or came to a realization of God’s love.  Let me tell you, I was pretty dry eyed for most of the night… but this Alter… wow.  Incredible.  We have pretty amazing students leaving this school.  My son, Jordan, being one of them.

How proud I am of the man that he is growing up to be.  Handsome (yes, looks do count, right?), funny, smart (when he chooses to use that card), a leader in so many ways…  ok, I’ll stop.  I don’t want to embarrass him too much.

Speaking of embarrassing … after dinner, the grads are to go and serve their parents and teachers desserts.  Jokingly Sanj warned me that we never know with Jordan, we may end up wearing it.   We laughed.  Then came my son, with my cupcake, with the intent to pretend to tip it over on me, except the cupcake was not that stable and so what happened… yup… right on my bosom.  I’m not sure who was more appalled, Jordan or myself.  lol  Lucky for me and him, I was able to catch it before it made a big mess and all was well.  Funny man, though!

As I watched the videos of the class journey from Junior Kindergarten to now, I was struck by the many families that we’ve said bye to over the years for various reasons and couldn’t help think of what an amazing reunion heaven is going to be.

I was impressed with the gift that so many teachers are to those impressionable young beings.  Sure Sanj and I have a big hand in who Jordan is today… and yet there are so many teachers, who spend so many more hours in a day with them, that have impressed with with so much.  For this, I am so grateful.

I left feeling drained, emotionally.






And.  Thankful. For.  Great.  Shoes.

This entry was posted in Boys, choices, faith, Family, General, God and I, love, moments, motherhood, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran, relationships. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Last Night…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Reema, your stories are beautiful.

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