Say What?

I often get asked what my husband does for a living.  I answer that he is an audiologist.  Then usually, the person asking will say, “Say what?” Then I will usually put  a hand to my ear and say, “Hearing issues etc…” and inevitably, they will say, “Say what?” and start laughing.  The annoying part is I fall for it every time!!! Errrr… Sanj, who no doubt hears this a million and one times more than me,  always smiles and laughs.  Every time!

You know one of my girlfriends asked me yesterday about Sanj and his work.  Does he still enjoy his profession? Is  he happy?  Surprisingly, his profession is something that he really does continue to enjoy and love.  If he was honest, he’d probably say he’s wasn’t a businessman… but I do know that over the years he’s learned and continued to grow into a fine businessman and an even better audiologist.  He is a great audiologist.  He is a great student and seems so thrilled when he is off on one of the many conference with the knowledge that he comes back with.  I don’t get it.  lol  When he is off to some place other than Ontario, I’m always encouraging him to skip a class and go “play.”  He never does!  I think the classroom is his playground!!!

Here’s the thing… Sanj was made to work with people, one on one.  He is so great with the seniors that come into his door.  He is so patient.  He really feels for his hearing impaired patients and is always seeking to learn to help to the best of his ability.

He tells a story about a lady coming in to his office wanting hearing aids.  As he listened to her, she told him that she wanted the hearing aids to turn off the voices in her head.  After testing her, he told her that the hearing aids wouldn’t help her.  I mean, really?  A less than honest person may have seen this as a sure thing… a sale!  Not my hubby… he calmly talked to her, listened to her, slowly moved his chair to the door to keep it open to alert the staff that he had a special patient.

Truthfully he never puts a sale ahead of a person and their needs.  He always is willing to work with people and their needs.  He loves to chat with them… his patients and has learned so much from them.


Why am I writing this?  Well, I’m so proud of this man, audiologist, that I get to call my husband.  Sometimes good people need someone to toot their own horn!  Toot Toot!

You want to see what I mean?  Tomorrow (Dec. 5th) from 9am-5pm is The Ear Company’s Christmas Open House… Come check us out.  Pop in and say Hi!  Plus… free food!!!

The Ear Company  Click for their website.

They have Everything Related to Hearing!

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