Page Four…

I hate when I make New Years Resolutions and quit after the first few days and if I’m on a real roll, after two weeks!  I don’t do resolutions because I do suffer from that sticking to something disorder.  We got home just now, shortly after 10 pm and I am pooped.  We met my family for dinner, before Kumar and family fly away… and then stopped to see my FIL (who was kinda down from chemo yesterday).  All I could think of was that I didn’t write my most today!  Procrastination.  My kitchen is a disaster.  I had plenty that needed doing but I pretty much vegetated and read my book.  I could have posted any time today … but nope.


Here I am now, grateful that Josh was already asleep in the car so pretty much sleep walked to bed.  I am wondering what this post will be about… New Years Resolutions… Do you make them?

I hate them. As mentioned.  Every year I am determined to:

Exercise more…

Watch my blood sugar levels…

Be a better diabetic…

Be more patient…

Try and not procrastinate.

Be a better Jesus Lover.

Be a better mom.

OK let’s face it… I just want to be better than I am today.  I get so deflated when I miss the gym after going faithfully for a week or two.  Or lose it with my kids.  Or am the last one to turn in a form.  Or…

I’m already annoyed with this post… but one of my goals is to write for me and post it.  Not over analyze it.  Not see how many likes it got…. etc.

Hey at least I’ll be in bed before 11pm!

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One Response to Page Four…

  1. martha says:

    I stopped making NY resolutions a long time ago. I would get so upset with myself when I failed. Yes, I always failed. My resolutions were almost the same as yours except the better Mom one. I find that daily or weekly resolutions are more realistic for me, these I can usually acheive.

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