My Redeemer Lives…

It’s technically tomorrow… but this Friday was the last day of Serve Peterborough, 2015— and while my role was to babysit a friend’s little one so she could fulfill her role this week as part of Serve… we stayed for the whole worship tonight.  I love worshipping with Youth because when they are free to worship— they do it so right.

Today, perhaps 7 years ago, I received a phone call about my dad being on his death bed in Tennessee and what a life changing event that was.  I found myself needing to ball my eyes out as I felt God’s presence fill the room we were all worshipping in.  I need Jesus to come NOW.  There is so much pain and despair and it seems overwhelming.  Maybe it is just me… but as I struggle — after 4 decades — to come to terms with a very broken earthly father… I feel the need for my heavenly father to just come.  I feel the love of the youth tonight for their Saviour and hope that they are able to carry it forward after the week they had… when life is back to the norm as they know it.  I, even as a grown adult, hate that last day of Serve, or a Youth Rally or  the end of camp.  There is something so real when all we  are focused on is Worship and Praising and Feeling God.

Today was so hard.  I yearned that God would have swooped down and grabbed us all … taking us Home with Him.  As I drove home, after midnight, the sky looked funny.  I had this thought pass… how cool it would be if TONIGHT was the night!!!second-coming-clouds-1

This is probably just babbling … since it is very late but I had to just write… My Redeemer Lives… I just can’t wait for Him to swoop us up.  I can’t wait for all the pain and hurt and brokenness to end.  I can’t wait to be reunited with ones gone too quickly … to hang with those that are so broken here and yet in Heaven will be all brand new.

I can’t wait.  Just saying….

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