
I had a wonderful day so far… it really is amazing how much weather can effect me!

Josh and I had breakfast with some friends and then took the pups in for a little loving to Sanj’s office, then we went to a park and did a little one on one doggy training.

While the pups took a nap, Josh and I went to the zoo. Josh is afraid of cats… of any size now. The cougar was out (in his pen) and right there. Beautiful! Josh was scared. It was a theme. Even the reindeers were apparently scary! It was lovely though. the otters were the favorite of the day.

Then it was off to show and tell. The pups went to visit the classrooms. They were so good! I guess what is a few more kids petting and cuddling them! lol

They sleep through the night too! Wow, they are much better at the night time thing then any of my children were!

I am looking forward to a nice weekend even though they seem to be changing the weather forecast by the minute.
Hope you have a good weekend too!

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