Another World..

Yesterday I took my FIL to Toronto for his chemo appointment.

It’s such an experience going to Princess Margaret (one of our cancer hospitals) with my FIL.  From the moment I walk in the door I feel a change in my being.  I feel like I’ve entered another country or planet.  There is such quietness.  There is the occasional crying out  of someone when it becomes too much.  There’s a lot of touching here, hand on hand, arm around a shoulder, a pat on the knee, there is comforting and encouraging  happening by way of touch.  There are many bald heads as you look around.  Yesterday as I looked at this gorgeous lady, maybe 6 feet and a bit with a body that … actually I don’t even know about the rest of her… her face captured me.  Her baldness seemed like a trophy, like she had pride that she was fighting and fighting hard.  Her baldness added to her attractiveness.  And her smile.  She radiated hope.  She mesmerized me.

There are those that are older and should be living their glory years.  Yet they are busy fighting for those years.  They are usually accompanied by their spouse or child.  They tend to shuffle when they walk.  They speak a little louder.  Their faces seem to say they don’t want it to end this way.  So they too, fight.


I hope this is Sanj and I in 35+ years.  You could feel their love.  You could see their love.  It almost made my heart hurt.  Imagine their story.

Of course there are those that are so sick, that even moving is painful.  I don’t usually see them as they’d be admitted but occasionally I hear a cry out and it makes me shiver. It makes me utter a pray for them.  It makes me stop.

Yesterday this chatty and very happy man sat beside us.  He beat cancer.  He comes for his check up.  You could see that he loved this day.  He meets his buddy,  whom he befriended through his cancer journey.  They meet and they chat. It’s a social event.  He loves the staff as if they are family.  He’s in love with the hospital.

Time seems to stand still in this place.  You’re done when you’re done.   My FIL’s levels were too low for chemo yesterday.  We have to come back.  Tuesday.  And then again, Wednesday.  Since dying isn’t an option, we fight.  They help us fight.

This place… it’s a world all unto itself.

Posted in faith, Family, General, love, Marriage, moments, relationships | 3 Comments



Warning:  This is a depressing post.

I’m usually pretty easy going when it comes to my kids.  Oh, I yell and lose it maybe a little more then most but I figured I’m entitled because I have twice and in some cases triple the kids as most normal people.  Normal is the key word.  I am anything but normal. Oye!  The bottom line is I adore my kids.  I love us hanging out together most times on my bed just vegging and will usually get the day’s tidbits around this time.  This time is usually the 3 younger ones.  The 3 older ones will pop in, lay on the bed and pop out, at different intervals.

I get it.  The teen years are full of these little and yet big people, trying to find themselves, assert their independence.  They feel they know it all and that the adults in their lives are lame and so don’t get it.  I know that there is confusion and frustration of so many levels and yet it would be detrimental to show that. Often you don’t realize they can smile or laugh until you see them with their peers.  You don’t realize that they do remember manners and kindness unless you see them in a public setting. Things in their world are immediate.  I mean, if they don’t get the _________ today, now, they may actually die.  Or how can they not go _________ otherwise they will let their bud down.  Gasp.

Now- disclaimer:  I know I can’t speak for the other families with teens… as I know there are many that have the perfect teen and don’t have issues… and all I can say is God does play favorites!!! LOL JUST KIDDDING!

So, today I am dealing with a bunch of things, mainly the inconvenience of a vehicle down…  anyways after arguing with one of my teens about foolishness related to wanting the vehicle … I said to him… “Do you know that you are never wrong?”

In all seriousness he looks at me and answers, “Yes, because you are never right.”

And then at that moment I knew God was there with me and gave me this laugh today.

Poor Foolish Child of Mine…


Posted in Boys, choices, Family, General, God and I, love, moments, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran, relationships | Comments Off on Ranting…

Weekend Ramblings…

I survived and actually enjoyed my three days at Camp Medeba with Zachary and his class!  I will blog about that later this week.  I am here at Sanj’s office waiting for the bank to open and get a few errands done before picking up Sammy later this morning.

It was a good weekend.  I love long weekends.  I love being with my family and just hanging out.  We went to the car show in TO. Later we ate at this Indian restaurant in Scarborough, where I had the biggest dosa ever!  It’s probably our new favorite Indian restaurant.   We were all exhausted from a full day.  Sunday I took Josh to see the Lego Movie, which we both didn’t get.  I think you either love or hate this movie.  Monday was vegging with the boys and we went to the inlaws for a bit and finished our long weekend with dinner at Jack Astors.


Today was brutal.  Tears and claims of hating school from my youngest.  I hate that.  I breaks my heart to forcefully send him off.  I’m pretty sure once he gets there he’s happy enough to be with his friends but boy, if Josh had a choice, he’d be with me all day.

I’ve been a type 2 diabetic for a while now. I’ve been on meds to help control my sugars.  Recently my girlfriend told me about Victoza, a drug for diabetics which seems to have had great results.  I got excited until I hear… it’s a shot.  There’s always a catch with things that seems too good!!!  I am the world’s biggest chicken when it comes to shots.  Any kind of shots.  I don’t cry now… lol but believe me, if it wouldn’t make me look like an idiot… I  would likely love to give in to tears.  Sigh.  Here’s the thing, the shot is in my tummy.  That just seems crazy!  Doesn’t it?  I’ve seen my mom give herself insulin and it looks easy but… she’s a nurse.

I went to the doc made the decision to try this new drug and my doc probably saw my hesitation  suggested that I do the first one then and there. Yikes!!!  Here’s the thing, while this may seem like such a little thing… it was huge for me.  And… guess what, I did it!  It does pinch ( I hate when people say it doesn’t hurt- liar) but it’s doable.  So… I’m proud of myself.

So on to my tackle my next mountain- the mess at my house!

Hope you had a great weekend and here’s to a great short week!!!

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Another Winter Day…

It’s another day, another school day much to the disappointment of my youngest two.  How they dislike school!  Every morning Josh tells me he’s not feeling well.  Every school day morning that is… he’s a homebody.  He would love to be my sidekick all day along.  And Zach would rather be playing with his buddies, hanging out rather than being at school.  🙁

Frankly, it’s exhausting.  The hardest part of my day is 7 am-8:15 am … I feel like I should tape myself… Hurry up guys, Let’s go!  Eat something.  Here’s your lunch.  Sock! You need socks. Where’s your backpack?  And then finally, when they are out the door… I am yelling, “Love you, have a good day!”

Sigh.  I think our family, my boys, live for summer.  I love being with them (despite the fighting and annoyances that come with us all together).  I love taking them on trips.  Road trips.  It doesn’t matter where we go, as long as it’s away from home and the crazy rat race that is life.

Maybe the winter is finally getting to us… it’s been cold, very cold and the boys are exhausted.  We need downtime.  Monday is Family Day… a made-up holiday but I’ve never been so glad to know that a 3 day weekend is upon us shortly.

This isn’t a happy post, is it?  Oye!  OK well, I can tell you about Josh yesterday.  He had me grinning most of the evening.  Josh loves so HUGE!  It’s really a privilege to be loved that like.  I am always thinking… is it going to go away?  We went to Zach’s game out of town. Usually, I wouldn’t have gone, knowing we would get in the way to late but we did, since  Zach asked me to come. Through the night Josh just kept asking random questions!  Like …

How many people do you think are in the world?

Do you think there is the letter R in the truck somewhere?

Do you know that photosynthesis is?

I’m so glad poo doesn’t come from our mouth.  

In between his questions and chatter, I’d get a “Mommy I love you so much!”

I know that God gave me this child that loves so hard.  Sometimes it hurts me, his love.  How I hope he doesn’t lose this spark he has.  Sometimes the boys will say, “Josh your 8 years old, you are so weird!”  And the thing is, Josh embraces his weirdness!!! I love that!!!


Tomorrow I am off to Camp Medeba with Zach and the 5-6th graders.  Oye!  Hope I don’t freeze.  I’m much happier a homebody in the winter.  I am not too great at winter activities. But… I’m so excited about going with Zach and hanging out.

I’m sure I’ll have pics and lots to say when I am back.

Posted in Boys, Family, General, God and I, love, Marriage, moments, motherhood, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran, relationships | Comments Off on Another Winter Day…

Under the Locks…

The weekend is the Under the Locks Tournament here in Peterborough. This means that  from Friday morning despite the cold cold temps Dave Smith and Sanj Sukumaran along with their team of volunteers turned the canal in town into a crazy rink and hosted the Under the Locks tourney.

This is Dave’s Facebook post from yesterday:

“Day 1 of Under The Lock 2014 is in the books. 58 games in, only 46 more to go!  1000 hot dogs consumed, 3000 cups of coffee, 5000 bottles of Gatorade. Not sure if it’s a hockey tournament or an eating contest!

Here are some pics that Sanj posted:

1888878_814109501937729_869747357_oPicture here of the set up taking place…

1799891_814493555232657_1325661776_oGuess this is what it’s all about…


Its quite a sight, the amount of people that come to participate or watch despite the brrrrr temps.

This morning when Sanj left at 6am the temps were -26 degrees C.  Craziness.  That’s all I can say.  There is something about  hockey…. it doesn’t seem to matter what crazy hour or how cold it is, hockey player just don’t seem to care.  I am convinced it’s the stench of their uniforms that hypnotize them!

Only Zach was playing this year in the tournament and he loves it.  We went yesterday with his hair painted green for his team.  This is him, Lucky #8!


Last night I came home and made rice and chicken curry as it seems to be just the right thing to end the day, comfort food.  Most of the older boys were score keepers and I know they were cold!

149934_442564802479715_1112760927_n 2

A great arial view from last year’s tournament.

I’m going to have to ask Dave Smith who had the vision for this craziness and Sanj, why they do it?

I’m really curious.  It’s a huge undertaking.  And just as huge to take it all down and apart.  Then go to their jobs the next day.

And yet as I watched the kids play, the parents chatting over coffee and blankets, I can see the beauty in a weekend like this.  And so, while I am eager to get my family back, I am grateful for guys that unselfishlly give of their time, age a few years and share their talents to bring this to our town.

Thanks Dave and Sanj… for your dedication, generousness  and vision.

487741_603912679624080_1448210061_n 2These to boys with the Stanley Cup!

Posted in Boys, choices, Family, General, love, Marriage, moments, motherhood, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran, relationships | Comments Off on Under the Locks…

Happy Birthday To My Favorite Guy…

Lots of snow yesterday, again.  I must say that Sanj was happy with the weather… as he spent the day snowboarding.  Yesterday was his birthday!  If you know him, you’d be very surprised he took the day off.  Well technically, he didn’t book the day off…

Years ago, i was tired of Sanj being such a worker that he never took a day off for himself.  Ever.  I went to his secretary(back in the day when he just had one) and told her to book his day but with fake patients.  She thought this was grand and took great pains to make it look authentic.

The morning of his birthday (or realistically probably the night before, since I wouldn’t have been able to wait…), I told him tomorrow for his birthday, he had the day off.  He said, “No, I don’t, I saw the book.”  I wish I could have videoed his reaction.  He was pretty speechless.  I loved it!!!

Ever since then, minus one year when he told me not to because… and I believed him.  When the morning of his birthday came, he didn’t believe he had to go to work.  🙁  It was a sad day for us both.  Since then, I have learned to read his mind and not listen to his words.!!!

Yesterday Sanj chose to go snowboarding alone.  (The alone part was very disturbing for me but he assured me this is what he wanted).  He is such a weird person.  I actually will admit I find most introverts odd, as I can’t imagine a whole day alone and having fun.  Yet at noon he called me and told me it was amazing up there, fresh snow and he had the mountain mainly to himself. He was in heaven.


After a day on the slopes, he came home and laid by the fire and became engrossed  in his book.  This would have been a perfect day.

Until… I made plans for dinner out with a few friends.  Oh boy.  He obviously didn’t want to go out. Sigh.

Anyways after much whining, he came and had a great time in the end.  PHEW!

All’s well that ended well.

Happy Birthday to my dear man.  I adore you.  Even if you are a little strange and like spending a lot of time alone.  lol

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Brotherly Love or Something…



This was the post my youngest brother put on Facebook about his sermon today.  Of course he got lots of comments because he is that kind of charismatic extrovert and demands attention.

I thought I’d add my input on this subject because we have this ongoing battle at home.  And.. it is exhausting!  While I didn’t hear my brother, Kumar’s, sermon, he said it was on Joseph and his brothers and how this actually stemmed from their father, Esau and Jacob.

What is sibling rivalry? The dictionary says it’s competition between siblings especially for the attention, affection and approval of their parents.

Over the last year this is an ongoing battle at home.   I always thought my older two, being 12 months apart, would be super close and best of buds.  Here’s the thing about motherhood, or perhaps parenthood in generally… there’s so much I didn’t know or even fathom as a young mom with obviously very unrealistic ideals.  Why didn’t anyone tell me???

My older two think we give the other more freedom or the car more often or … only God can keep track of all the things they think are unfair.  They don’t see the lectures or scoldings or reprimands the other gets because often its done in private!!!  And… hello, if there is one that gets more privilege, it’s because it’s earned or hasn’t the trust hasn’t been breached.

Do they love each other?  I’m going to take a guess and say YES!  But … it’s not based on daily actions!!!! My brother Rajiv and I are two years apart.  We had many a fight growing up.  It could get ugly!!!  I can’t remember the little things we fought about but I do remember that there was that line… I could do whatever to my brother.  He was mine.  But YOU… kid over there… don’t mess with my brothers.  My brothers and  I are close.  Sanj and the boys are always fascinated with the daily interactions I have with them.  “What do you talk about?”  the boys ask.  I really couldn’t tell you but we just make contact most days, whether texting or actually talking.

My boys can fight.  They can be physical for fun or out of anger.  They can say the most ugly thing  that they know will hit below the belt! Ouch.  And yet… time after time when someone outside the family messes with one of the six… They are ready to do battle!!


So… there is always the joke of who is loved by my mom most.  We all know who it is… the three of us.  She will deny it.  She’s suppose to deny it.  My kids don’t fight over who we love most… it isn’t love they are fighting over it’s privileges.  What i wish they’d understand is that when trust is broken, privileges go with that.

I am sure that someday, the boys will all be friends, of some sort.  Hope I’m alive to see that.  Hope I’m alive to see them parent teenagers.  That is the ultimate payback.  lol

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Happy 12th Birthday, Zachary!

Today marks the 12th year that my 5th son, Zachary Thomas has been in our lives.

From the moment it was time to enter this world, he has been a go getter.  Less then 2 hours and this babe was OUT!  Why waste time, I’m sure is what he was thinking.  And so it goes, Zach is a go getter.  He loves his family.  He is always trying to please or get the attention of his brothers.  He is a social being.  He loves people and being with people.  Zachary loves being with friends and is a great host.  DSC_0007

This is one of my favorites of Zachary taken in PEI many a summer ago.

I love that Zach doesn’t need anyone to play with him outside.  He loves playing with his 4 wheeler, or taking shots on the net or riding his bike… He is able to amuse himself and is a great lover of the outdoors.

He loves cars and knows his stuff.  I can’t wait to see what car he will drive home one day when he is able to make a living.


Yes, Zach’s a character and then some!

Zach is a sportsman and a good sport.  I love how he is able to play with a team for the team without taking or needing attention or credit.  He looks out for his teammates.

Zach is a hard worker.  He will be the first to help his dad outside and the last to come in.  He is faithful about his chores and usually does them without complaining.

He is a great cook.  For his age, he comes up with some of the yummiest meals!  He doesn’t like the usual fast foods like cereal or bagels for breakfast so he will usually whip up his own concoction that everyone will look to grab a bite of.

Of course there are so many things I could say about his son of mine and yet it all sums up that he is a gift to us from God and we are so blessed to have him in our lives.

Happy Birthday, Zach!!!

I love you so much!

*** Sadly this pictures are dated.  I’ll have to post more recent once soon.

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My Crazy Pill

*** Posting this tonight ) a day early, to not take away from Zach’s birthday tomorrow.

I’m not sure how many years now, but I remember becoming very still when Clara Hughes did the commercial for Bell Let’s Talk.  One, she seemed like an introvert and I was impressed that “we” were coming out and talking about this.


Do you know what I’m talking about?  Mental illness.  It has such an ugly stigma attached to it.  I feel like it’s something we may talk about in hushed tones, if we talk at all.

Here’s the thing, ever since I came to the realization that I need a happy pill, I’m a much happier person.  Maybe 5 years ago or so, there was a traumatic period in life.  It was such a crazy event and I didn’t even realize how life changing it was but I found myself have very bad, dark thoughts.  I found life and living very hard.  This has nothing to do with my husband and children, I adored them.   It was me.  The stuff happening inside me was so dark and scary and sad and I just didn’t know how to deal with any of it or even what I was dealing with.

Sigh.  Wow.  Even just typing this, is making my heart pound and my head hurt remembering.

I thought I was going crazy.  I wish we could change the words mental illness because maybe more people would be ok with seeking help.  I was having a meltdown of sorts and didn’t even  know if I could fit it into my every day world.

I went to the doctor.  I was scared.  I love when you think you’re the only one in the whole world suffering with something and yet listening to me, my doctor reassured me that I was suffering from postpartum depression, which eventually lead to depression and anxiety.  Me!  I’m such an easy going person.  Me, depressed?  Crazy.

OK…  I have stuff that runs in our family history, just like many others.  It’s life.  It’s genetics.  It’s part of living here.

Once I figured out life with my crazy pill… I was me again.  Happy.  Crazy.  Full speed ahead.

Here’s the thing, I went on and off it … trying to figure out if I needed it long term or short term.  When I went off it… it wasn’t good.  I really felt crazy,  out of control.  It was hard to come to the realization that I needed a crazy pill.

Here I am today.  The crazy pill (my affectionate name for my sidekick) is a part of my daily life.  People seem appalled when I bring my crazy pill into conversation… but it is a part of me.  I am ok with dealing with the inconvenience of mental illness.  I’m ok with needing help in the form of my crazy pill. I’m so glad that there IS help now a day.

If I had a migraine, I’d find something to stop them.  So why would I not seek help with depression, anxiety  or any other fears?  Sometimes it’s the best thing … talking to someone, especially if you aren’t sure what’s happening.

Today, I’m so grateful for BELL, LET’S TALK …

I’m here if you need someone to take that baby step with… or simply join in the conversation and let’s embrace the fears that are out there as far as mental illness goes.

*** my email is

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Snow Day Here…

It’s a wintery Monday, we are home (minus Sanj) having a snow day.  The weather this weekend was crazy!!! Well, we live about 15 to town (Peterborough) and you’d think we live on a totally different planet!  Crazy blowing snow had us home most of the weekend.

Last night we braved the weather and went out with a group of friends, to celebrate a couple of birthdays, my Zach included. He’s turning 12 years old tomorrow!!! How is that possible?  I’ll write more about my Zach tomorrow.  We got home late and everyone hit the hay.  Nothing like sleep!  I was thinking of the blessings friendships are.

I am home with the boys, some are studying for their exams tomorrow.  Others are just relaxing.  And then there’s Josh, whining beside me.  “Mommy, when can we go to Walmart?”

Jordan went outside to clear off a path between the vehicles.  After a while, I get a call from his cell phone… “Mom, I’m stuck.  Come help me.”


LOL.. soon Josh went out too…


We haven’t had a winter like this is a very long time!!!

What’s your favorite thing to do on a snow day?  Mine is to stay in bed with a book, usually surrounded by some of my boys who may be watching a movie.  I love us just hanging out.  I have a few boys that are always with me.  I also like to cook something yummy and let comfort food do it’s thing!

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What kind of a teenager were you?  Or are you?  Are (were)  you confident and secure in yourself?  What would you tell your 16 year old self, if you could do so…

I wish I knew it was all going to be ok.  I thought so much about falling in love and truly wondered who would love me.  You could say I was not in love with me and so I couldn’t image who would want me.  Now… yes I am happily married… but am pretty sure that even if I was single at this place in life… the true me would be happy and ok.

I wish I could have been the real me with the outside world.  I remember being in the Bible room of my high school and we were voting for class officers.  I wanted so bad to be nominated.  I knew I could do the job and yet I wasn’t on anyone’s radar.  I was kinda invisible.  I wish I could have been me… the me that lived inside.  I hated being invisible.

I wish I knew there were different kinds of smarts.   It took me a long time to understand that despite school not being my thing, that I learned different, I am intelligent. (Well, this is still a struggle for me… but I really try to look at ADD as a gift of sorts).

I would tell my 16 year old self to appreciate the body I have.  Stuff drops and sags before you know it. lol  Sanj found a picture of me in my swim suit at camp.  (Even back then, I hated swimsuits).  I wish I had appreciated skinny when I was really skinny.  OK so I still have issues but I really would encourage myself to love the me that is me.  Inside and out.

I would reassure my 16 year old self that God works it all out.  Trust and obey.  There is really no other way. Life is full of hard moments,  yet life comes full circle and sometimes we just have to let it go and breathe and believe.  I was so trusting of God’s will at 16.  I got harder in my 20s but still I always felt that I’d rather believe in God then not.

At 16, it’s ok to not have all the answers.  The reality is I’m 45 now and still looking for some answers.  I still am wondering what I want to be when I grow up.  I did stay at home mom… which I am so grateful to have done and continue to do… but now what?  I dunno.

At 16, I didn’t have a lot of real friends,  actually probably just 2, if I’m being honest.  Sad. When I went to university, you can say, I started unknowingly, finding myself.  And friends.  Who most are still in my life.  And I love and adore.  You know what, 16 Year Old Self… friends over boys. Always.  Your true friends … you can’t replace them.  Ever.  They are there through thick and thin… (literally lol), break ups and bigger hurts.  (Yes, 16 year old self… there are bigger hurts)!!!

As annoying as your parents are, to my 16 year old self… they are your parents.  I would do anything for my boys, regardless of the size of pain in the butt they may be.  It’s amazing how much teens know!  And yet … one day… sooner than later, you will likely see they, your parents, do know what they are talking about.  Parents… they are yours forever.  Be nice.  Control the eye rolling and know that they love you.

School is cool.  It may stink at times but there is a reason we are made to go to school.  Keep going as far as you can.  University isn’t just about furthering your education, it’s about growing up, leaving the nest and finding yourself.  It is a great phase of life!

Remember… You are awesome.  There is no one like you. In my case, not sure the world could handle another one like us! lol  God made you … just as you are.


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Mama’s Boy… Or Not!

It’s Friday night, my favorite night of the week.  I love coming to a clean house (usually), with groceries to make something yummy.  I must be getting old.  I seem to want to be home more than go out, that was never  me!  I don’t mind cooking, entertaining and being with our family and friends.

As mentioned, this week I have been off, with  a head cold and that makes me feel off.  I hate being sick.  Life goes on, whether you’re sick or not.  🙁

I made this tonight, put it on the porch for tomorrow…


I am not drinking it for the flat tummy but hey, if it’s a byproduct, sweet!   I tend to drink a lot of water during the day… and figure maybe this may make drinking water more interesting.  I love cold water… I love lemon and ginger and the smell of mint… add cucumbers, with is kind of neutral and well… this is what I get. I’ll let you know if it is any good.

I am grateful that  the super crazy deep freeze has let up.  Brrr… I was getting out of the truck yesterday and almost fell right smack on my head… it was one of those moments, if caught on tape, that would be hilarious, especially since I didn’t fall, but rather grabbed the handle and fumbled, totally freaked and prepared for the fall.  Ugh.  There was ice under the snow… not impressed.

I was thinking of how hard it must be to be mother to your boys and then when they are older and have a lady, to let go and cut that cord.  It must be hard  but definitely necessary.  I watch as grown men still rely so much on their mama and then wonder why their lady love has issues with it.

It goes both ways, doesn’t it?  Moms need to let go of their sons so they grow up and sons need to let go of that mama and grow up.

I try to look ahead and see myself as mama of my older boys with their ladies.  I mean, I think it’s so important for us to have lives of our own… so we aren’t twiddling our fingers, being busy bodies.  Yes?  And yet there is a fine balance to being parents that are their for the kids, to be able to have great relations with grandkids…etc.

Yikes.  Where is this coming from?  Just thankful that my husband is self sufficient.  He can have relationships with his family and yet functions well as a grown man.


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Jibber Jabber…

I’m back to titles.  You know that Pages was a figurative thing to writing in the new book that the New Year bought.  Proud of myself for writing everyday for a week!  Yah me!  Today I’ve got almost all the kids home, headache, fever (low grade) and sore throats. It was a long night.  Our house was cold because the heating is acting up, of course on one of  the colder days this winter.  Then too many bodies were in our bed, needing me due to not feeling well.  A sore throat has got to be one of those annoying things, much like a runny nose.

Photo on 1-8-14 at 12.05 PM

Today everyone is laying somewhere.  Josh is on the chaise in my office, doing his Kumon.  I too, have a pulsing headache.  I have all this laundry I promised Sanj I’ve put away today… partly in attempt to find a missing item of his.  But… I really don’t want to.  I want to sleep this headache away!!!

I am so tired!!!  I wonder how much restful sleep I actually get.  We bought Tyler one of the Jawbone wristbands that tell you information such as calories ate, how much you walked etc and it is interesting to see how little restful sleep you actually get.  I’m sure mine would be little as I toss and turn a lot!!!

Tonight is meatloaf with baked potatoes and perogies.  Love me some perogies!!!   It was nice having most of the family home eating supper and watching a favorite show.  Of course bed time seemed to be pushed back… but we hardly have these nights.

OK… I’ve got nothing. Hope your night is a good one!

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Page Seven-

It’s FREEZING!!! The outside temp right now is -36 C.  and the house temp is 66F.  I’ve got the dryer running, the oven on high and soon will get the fireplace going (out of fire logs so will have to get it going the old fashion way).

I’m tired of being cold. I can’t wait for summer.  I have sat down to blog but not sure what I will be writing about.

I could tell you about Zach and my attempts to bake cookies last night.  The batter was delicious.  The cookies didn’t turn out so well.  The butter was the issue… it wasn’t melted enough and then we tried to fix that but the end result was the cookies came out crumbly.  Did I say that we enjoyed the batter though?

I’m thinking of making up for it by making my favorite drop cookies but the only danger is that I will eat too many!



2 cups sugar

6 TBS cocoa

1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup milk

1/2 tsp vanilla

3 cups instant oats

1 cup of grated coconut

Combine sugar and cocoa in sauce pan. Add butter and milk and bring to boil. Add vanilla. Remove from heat and add oats and coconut.  Drop spoonfuls onto waxed paper.  Chill.

The chill part is hard for me.  I always have a burned finger from tasting too soon.

I am not a great baker.  Probably because cooking allows room for experimentation and flexibility.  I need room to improvise.


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Page 6 – BOYS!

After church, I was hugging a friend and chatting with her daughter who is prego with her first child and will be having a boy.  Growing up in a house of girls… this is be a new experience. I was thinking about what I could tell her about boys… about being a mama of boys?

I hate when people only give me sympathy of having boys.  Poor you! That’s something I hear often usually  from strangers.  Annoying.

See, I don’t know what life is like with1, 2 or 3 boys… I mean I have 6 boys!!! Wowzers!  So that is so different to begin with.  I’m not sure why boys get a bad rap over girls.

Here’s things I have learned from having boys…

1.  Boys love their mamas.  They are their mama’s defender.  They are great snugglers and care takers.


2.  Boys are the best huggers.  The best hug is when one your boy comes and hugs you from behind.

Photo on 9-29-12 at 6.17 PM

3.  When your boy tells you a joke and can’t finish because they are belly laughing so hard!


4.  They are great babysitters.  Love watching my big boys play with little ones.  There’s nothing wrong with a big kid.


5.  Boys are loud. And silly.  And active.  Let them get it out.  Embrace it… their loud, silly, active selves.  They will sleep great!


6.  Love when my boys surprise me… waiting for a reaction.  They love a reaction!!! This was Josh gifting me with a flower… the only flower in the whole garden.  lol Sweet.


7.  Encourage your boys emotions to be shown.


8. When my boys are with me, I never open a door or carry bags.  They are true gentlemen.  I love this!!!


9.  Boys are just great climbers.  I’ve had numerous heart attacks walking in a room and seeing my babes up a wall, literally or down a hole or reaching things in such way that I’d never have thought of.

10.  They love to build.  Give them a cardboard box and see what comes of it after a bit.  They love lego.  They love action and action figures and good guys and bad guys.


11.  Any thing can become a gun, even a chicken nugget or a flashlight.


12.  Boys are made to rough house.  Period.  If you aren’t going to join in… you may want to walk away… it can get crazy.  I am forever asking, begging, screaming for Sanj to break up a match, sure someone will break something.  He just watches.  (I’ve only made one trip to the ER… when the doctor asked Tyler how he  thought he broke his nose… Tyler replied, “Um my brother’s fist made contact.”  The doctor looked at me and smirked.)


13.  I think (because I am still figuring it out… post to follow)… that being physical with each other… brothers wrestling etc is how they show affection.  I love you… punch, wham boom.


14.  Boys love to shop.  My boys love shoes.  I mean it’s crazy the number of shoes each boy of my boys has.  And can’t seem to get enough of.


15.  Pee will be everywhere.  Everywhere is a bathroom.  The crazier the place … the better the challenge.


16.  The word poo-poo is funny.  It just is.  Sure you can try bowel moment, or all the other words but poo will some how crack him up.


17.  Talking about the length of poop is evitable.


18. I love my boys surprising me.  Breakfast or cleaning the kitchen or cooking or store bought gems… It touches my heart.


19.  The stinky the body part the funnier it is.  Don’t wait for the teen years to introduce deodorant.


20.  Boys are precious gifts.  I can’t think of all the wonderful things that come with baby boys, little boys, teen boys and big boys… except that I am so grateful that God made them so opposite of us girls.

IMG_0921Being a mama of boys is a special privilage.  I  get to see the world in a way I’d never experience  otherwise.  This list is just a few things… everyday my boys give me reasons to laugh, cry, or want to run! lol  I adore them.  And I’m so grateful to be their mama.

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Page Five

The sermon today was How to Know God’s Plan for You?  Ugh…. this is a question I battle with often.

See after Zachary, baby number five, we were done!  I mean originally, we were down for 4 kids.  This was our plan, as we chatted about love, life and children.  It was the plan.  We never thought about 4 boys!  I mean… I just never thought of it.  Then we had 4 boys… and I just couldn’t fathom not having a baby girl.  So we have baby 5- BOY 5- Sweet beautiful Zach!

We were done.  5 boys.  This was the edited plan.  We were content.  So I thought.  Yet I still believed that we were to have a girl.  5 verses 6 children… not a big deal, right?  Sanj never says no… obviously.  So Baby 6 was on its way.  I prayed hard.  Over each pregnancy.  I prayed for God’s will to be done.  First ultrasound… those that have had babes, you know how those techs are. They can be very intense.  I always find myself holding my breath.  Is babe moving?  Does he/she have two heads?  Well then the tech excuses himself and in comes the doctor.  Oye.  This has never happened before.  And… I GOTTA PEE!!!  I am sent back to my OBGYN and told that I have a molar pregnancy.  Huh?


Long and short was that I needed D&C and lost the baby.

It really sucked.

Here’s when I went into doubting God’s will. Maybe God’s will wasn’t for us to have 6 kids.  Thus the molar pregnancy.  How did I know God’s will because I really felt that God was ok with this plan… of course I could have just as easily convinced myself of all this.

I mean… please couldn’t God just shout it out or write on the snow or give me a dream?

Sigh.  Again the long and short of it… we decided to give it one more try.  I didn’t want that to be my end story … and I still wanted a girl.  Yup… Josh was pregnancy number 7!  All was well.  He was a boy.  I had to just give up.  (I didn’t believe the doc when he said, “Its a boy”… I had to see between his legs before I believed!!!).  And then I had to deal with the realization that girls were not in my cards.  God said no.

Knowing His will… was hard.  My will seemed to be mixed up with God’s will.  Or maybe it was His will for us to have 6 boys.  OR not but He worked with my stubbornness and decided He’s teach  me  a lesson.  Josh. Yup.  Instant birth control. lol



Thank You, Jesus.

Please help me to continue to see Your Will.

You know, six kids in this day and age is a lot.  I didn’t see past babies.  I sometimes think about how different life would be with 2.2 kids or 4.3 kids.  (Don’t ask me what the point something kids is).  Cheaper, faster, less messy, less laundry, did I say cheaper?  And yet… I truly can’t imagine my life without Baby boy 5 & 6.  They are so full of love.  They are so full of life.  They keep me young.  There are so many days in a week that I just have to stop and thank God for these two extra blessings in my life.

Yes, I’m conviniced that I was meant to be momma to six crazy energetic boys.  God saw it all… and knew that this is how to keep me… close to Him… I couldn’t do it without His grace.

Thank You, Jesus for making Your will be know.

I love You.


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Page Four…

I hate when I make New Years Resolutions and quit after the first few days and if I’m on a real roll, after two weeks!  I don’t do resolutions because I do suffer from that sticking to something disorder.  We got home just now, shortly after 10 pm and I am pooped.  We met my family for dinner, before Kumar and family fly away… and then stopped to see my FIL (who was kinda down from chemo yesterday).  All I could think of was that I didn’t write my most today!  Procrastination.  My kitchen is a disaster.  I had plenty that needed doing but I pretty much vegetated and read my book.  I could have posted any time today … but nope.


Here I am now, grateful that Josh was already asleep in the car so pretty much sleep walked to bed.  I am wondering what this post will be about… New Years Resolutions… Do you make them?

I hate them. As mentioned.  Every year I am determined to:

Exercise more…

Watch my blood sugar levels…

Be a better diabetic…

Be more patient…

Try and not procrastinate.

Be a better Jesus Lover.

Be a better mom.

OK let’s face it… I just want to be better than I am today.  I get so deflated when I miss the gym after going faithfully for a week or two.  Or lose it with my kids.  Or am the last one to turn in a form.  Or…

I’m already annoyed with this post… but one of my goals is to write for me and post it.  Not over analyze it.  Not see how many likes it got…. etc.

Hey at least I’ll be in bed before 11pm!

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Page Three

It’s Friday… the last few days till school starts and life is on a schdule of sorts again.  It’s still crazy cold outside.  Took the boys to Oshawa to play with the cousins for a bit … the last visits before Kumar and family fly away.

I was looking at pictures on the computer, cracking up at some of the foolishness my boys come up with.

These pictures were taken in Vancover at Stanley Park later this past summer.   As we hung out by the beach, taking pictures of our families… the boys must have got restless and looked for other ways to amuse themselves.


We were right by the path… and so the boys waited for a fellow jogger and … well you can see, they counted as she reached them and were off.  The jogger was pretty intense… she didn’t crack a smile or break a stride!


There was a lady laying on the grass napping… Max decided that she needed company.

IMG_0838Then Tyler decides to get closer…


Of course Sammy has to get in the action…IMG_0840

And then he decides to do a high jump… the funny part was the lady must have felt something as she did crack a smile in her sleep and her husband, who was sitting a ways away, watching, was cracking up.  Yike!  Glad they didn’t get beat up!!!

IMG_0843I was appalled and yet amused by the boys craziness.  Wonder who they inherit this foolishness from!!!

Posted in Boys, Family, General, love, moments, motherhood, Parenting, Reema Sukumaran | Comments Off on Page Three

Page Two

It’s 6:45 pm on Day 2 of 2014, I almost forgot about writing today.  Fifteen minutes till Josh’s bedtime and unless something major needs my attention, I start to slow down, fast.  Bedtime with Josh means snuggling in, pray (that he whispers every night, that Jesus help him not have a bad dream), then lights out, he may tell me something about his day, that often puts a smile on my face and then he throws his arms around me and is snoring, his sweet breath on my face within minutes.  Of course if I move, he’s up asking where am I going?  So this is my slowing down time, usually texting my friends that text and have my end of day convo with one of my besties in Florida.

Today has been ugly cold out.  -36 degrees Celsius was the lowest I believe.  Is that necessary?  Everything was painful.  Of course there is not one full service gas station in Peterborough!!! I didn’t have enough to make it to Millbrook, where all we have is full service.  Did I really need to go out?  Well, I had to deposit a check and get groceries for tomorrow… just in case we have company.  My plan is to take the boys to this indoor trampoline  place and meet my brothers and families there…. kind of a last hurrah before school and my youngest brother is back to Vancover again.

My brother, Kumar told me he’s goal to write one hour each day! Wow… but then again he is a published author and sought after speaker.  What would I say if I wrote an hour a day?  Hum… I suppose that would be interesting!IMG_0675

New Years, yesterday I found myself feeling melancholy.  My friend’s dad, 95 years of age was taken to the hospital, not well.  Despite his age and the fact that he really is ready to go, how do you let one go?  Then my own dad, collapsed.  He’s not doing well.  His heart isn’t in the greatest shape.  I realize that his time here on earth is limited too.  And then my father in law, with his daily battle of leukemia … he’s 75 or so years old and lately just tired and weary of fighting every day to the next day.  I found myself contemplating this New Year as a year possible goodbyes.  I found myself praying that their ends will be simple… just going to sleep… until Jesus comes.

Am I being gloomy?  No doubt.  Yet the two dads in my life have become dear to me.  My FIL and I have become closer and have learned to simple appreciate each other.  And the simple things.  Then there’s my dad.  Sanj comments on the complexity of our relationship. Yet after all the years of hurting, wanting and reacting, I think it has come down to the simple fact that he is my dad.  Yes, he didn’t live to the fullest of that potential for me, yes I was disappointed and yes there was pain… but now… I am grown.  I am grateful the past year.  We worked side by side.  I saw that he has suffered so much… meaning he had lost so much by his choices.  Yet… as I saw my dad in bed yesterday, I could hear his raspy breathing… and all I could thing of how sad it will be to say goodbye. I feel at peace with him and feel the irony of coming full circle… His biggest issue has always been his heart.

Of course,  I could be here next New Year talking about having both dads around the past 365 days.  Life is so funny that way.

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Page One

528333_681837088527980_1389198516_nThis is the first page of my new book… I hope to write more.  I love blogging but so often I have post written that I never post because I over analyze things.  Yet I write this blog for me.  I write this blog for my boys some day or my grandkids.  Of course they may never care but if they do… it’s my gift.  So I guess another thing I hope to strive for I to continue to be true to me.  I’ve come a long ways in this.  In fact compared to me in university or high school, I’m a whole different  person.  I’ve learned to love myself.  (Wahoo… finally!)  I’ve learned a LOT about forgiveness this  year.  I’ve learned that it is really the only way to not be emotionally constipated.    I love this:


I used to wonder how to find that peace that passeth all understanding… (remember that song) and realized I don’t need to understand it all.  I don’t need to figure out why “they” didn’t love me they way I needed or wanted…. I just need to love them.  Forgive them.  And leave the rest to God.  I need to give myself permission to have peace without the other giving me permission.

I used to think that happily ever after was this picture I had since I was little… where every one was happy.  Funny thing… I guess I forgot that I am not in charge of everyone’s happiness.  I wanted the table with all the family laughing and happy.  Nope… it’s not always like that.  Some people chose to not seek that happiness.  I can only be happy and enjoy the moment.

I learned this past year that there is such perfection in the imperfection.  I need to embrace it.

I learned that I used to be in such a hurry to grow up…now I would give for those naps! lol

I am so grateful for all the blessings that came with 2013.  My cup runneth over.  I am also grateful for the trials that come, for with them, I grew.

Happy News Years!  Welcome 2014!

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